Thursday, January 31, 2008

Winter itch

Dear bullpen blogspot ( a relative to dear diary):
Thanks to one of my Missouri relatives for today's subject. Winter itch. It's one of those age related illnesses that you don't find in all the medical journals. I have the itch for spring to be sprung upon us. I have the itch for a 30 hour work week and to have the day after thanksgiving declared a national holiday, at least a state holiday. Thank god for those Mormon pioneers, we have another holiday and a heritage to be proud of and something to look up to and to put our easy livin' in perspective.Other people itch for other things. Some for money and fame, some for a second chance, some for happiness and contentment. I'm content with life at this point in time, but I will be glad when the political stuff is all behind us for a year or so. Oh ya, I do itch for more time to spend with the wife and grandkids. Come to think of it, winter itch may be a brain disease. The more we dwell on what we don't have, the more the itch bothers us! Mind over matter (and it really doesn't matter that much!)  I think true happiness is being content with less! Some would say that that makes me a simple minded man, I think I'm just a simple man, so the rest of ya'all can think what ya want!!!!!!

Willy Akers
All around Good Guy
Mid-Utah Radio / SanPete County Broadcasting
Cell---- 435-979-9801   or

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